Iain Macmillan


It’s hard for me to imagine my life without angling. Being outdoors is so important to me, in fact being inside is, at times, an almost claustrophobic experience.

I while away my time by the water thinking about how I will go about trapping my chosen quarry. There was a time when the size of the fish was important to me, but I am not so preoccupied with how large the fish is anymore. It’s much more about piecing together the puzzle, working out what I have to do to catch, and precision plays a big part in my thinking and approach. In fact, within reason, it takes the same amount of precision and hard work to catch a fish of any size.

I love to be precise and meticulous, it makes me the person I am. I’m proud of the amount of effort and detail I apply to my fishing and in the long run it pays off. I always try to make every cast, every rig, every decision the very best I can, on every single occasion. It is this precision that flows into every aspect of my angling life, and in turn makes me a better angler.

Iain Macmillan

“I always try to make every cast, every rig, every decision the very best I can, on every single occasion”